Hello most of u would know me as Moab I love this game with a passion but I noticed some things that could use some changing. 1, when i try to build or upgrade buildings they say I cant build cuz I need to finish something Im not building or upgrading. 2, I also noticed that I couldnt leave my own league because I was commander in chief of a league that wasnt even in the battle field. 3, the time limit for the golden empire battlefield needs to be increased intently because most players cant get everything in 2 weeks unless u played the game non-stop. Most of us have to work or have school and just dont have enough time to get everything we want so maybe if u could change the time from 2 weeks to a month and make it so we can cap a league city... if u could just do that for not just for me, but for the rest of the community that would be great:). Oh the bombers tend to run out of ammo way too quick and I cant repair my league city or league buildings. Oh and add those subs would ya